About Me

My name is Sal Chiarelli and I recently left the workforce after almost 45 years of continually working for someone else.  My plan is to sell some wood turnings to support my love for tools, equipment and making items that people can use and find joy in.   In my younger days while attending Brooklyn Technical High School I learned how to operate a metal lathe at age 13.   After obtaining an Associated degree in Machine Tool Technology I worked as  a machinist for a while before going back to school for a Mechanical Engineering degree at SUNY Binghamton. Many, Many years of various management positions including leading the Facilities Physical Plant team at the University of Vermont gave me great pleasure and grief at the same time.  These types of positions are very demanding and come with great pressure from all angles. The stress relief of not being responsible for peoples livelihood is unbelievable.  I am happier than a pig in and you know the rest.  After being with Janine for 38 years we now can spend more time together.  With all my past work life behind me I can now play around with the equipment and tooling I have acquired over the years anticipating being creative in a different way.    I started wood turning about 10 years ago and found my machinist skills helped me pick up the hobby with ease.   Living in Vermont gives me access to a variety of different wood species to be creative.   Wood is great to work with but it takes time and effort to get a finished product without substantial cracking etc.  I hope you find these products fun, useful and practical.